Een pagina uit het dagboek van Trees Schretlen. Versierd met o.a. tekeningen, een kauwgompapiertje en een airborne embleem.

The diary of Trees Schretlen     A pair of pages from Trees Schretlen's diary. The pages are decorated with drawings, a gum wrapper and an airborne emblem, among other things.

On 17 September 1944, Operation Market Garden began. Thousands of people watched the paratroopers come down and thought: today history is being made. We will be liberated. Hundreds of these people started a diary.

Trees Schretlen from Nijmegen was an 18-year-old high school student when Operation Market Garden started. She turned her school calendar into a diary about the battle for Nijmegen, her first encounters with Allied soldiers and her stays in shelters when the city was shelled.



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