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Open today until 17:00

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Wed - Sat 10:00 - 17:00
Sun - Mon Closed
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Kasteellaan 1B
7461 PV Rijssen
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0548 - 51 42 61

Vooraanzicht Rijssens Museum
Rijssens Museum
Beeld van de juteproductie in Rijssens Museum waarmee Rijssen vroeger onderdeel was van de textielregio Twente.
De productie van jute was ooit een belangrijke aanjager voor de economie in Rijssen

Rijssen was granted city rights in 1243 because of its strategic position on the Regge river. The Rijssens Museum tells the story of the oldest city in the Twente region. Rijssen was once a modest Hanseatic city with its own guilds, fairs and trading links. Rijssen’s importance stems from its position on the Regge, the ferry and the old trade route between Amsterdam and Berlin.


In later centuries Rijssen made a name for itself through the production of jute. This industry became the major driver of the local economy and accelerated urban development.

The museum

The Rijssens Museum tells the story of Rijssen through a varied collection of objects and exhibits. The stately manor, together with the Koetshuis and Bouwhuis, also hosts the Van Heel art collection, which owes its existence to the Rijssen jute industry. The Bouwhuis houses the Internationaal Brandweermuseum (International fire brigade museum). The permanent and temporary exhibitions let both tourists and the people of Rijssen get to know the oldest city of Twente.


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