Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Mon - Fri 13:00 - 17:00
Sat 11:00 - 17:00
Overview of opening hours
Cruquiusdijk 27
2142 ER Cruquius
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023 - 52 85 704

Haarlemmermeermuseum de Cruquius van buiten
Gemaal De Cruquius is een industrieel monument van wereldformaat
De machinekamer met daarin een grote stoommachine
Verwonder je over de kracht van 19de-eeuwse stoomtechnieken en de strijd tegen het water
Koning Willem versloeg de waterwolf met stoomtechniek
Achter dit ketelfront brandde het vuur waarmee water in stoom werd omgezet
Achter dit ketelfront brandde het vuur waarmee water in stoom werd omgezet

Marvel at the power of 19th-century steam engines and the ageless battle against the sea. The Cruquius Museum tells the story of the reclamation of the Haarlemmermeer.


Former steam pumping station Cruquius is one of three such locations used to reclaim the Haarlemmermeer (Haarlem lake) between 1848 and 1852. The building is a great example of the Gothic Revival industrial architecture of the 19th century. After thorough renovations, the building has been nearly returned to its original state. The pumping station has been a national heritage site since 1973.


The interior of the Cruquius Museum was completely renovated in 2020. The no-nonsense interactive presentation highlights the best aspects of this national heritage site. Cruquius Museum presents the story of the battle against water using steam technology. The exhibition is contemporary and interesting for all.

Flood control

Together with two other pumping stations, the Cruquius reclaimed the huge and dangerous Haarlemmermeer 170 years ago. King William I of the Netherlands played a major part in this huge achievement. He decided to reclaim the huge inland lake, using new steam technologies. The museum combines old steam engines with modern movies and interactive audiovisual media. The result is an overview of water management, the development of steam technology and the people behind the largest Cornish engine in the world. The highlight of a visit? A demonstration of the largest steam engine in the world!


Netherlands Museum Pass valid

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