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Bovenstraatweg 10A
8096 PE Oldebroek
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0525 - 63 14 57

Klederdrachtgroep Veluws Schoon geeft klederdrachtpresentaties in Boerderijmuseum ‘de Bovenstreek’.
Veluwe costumes can be admired in and around the museum
Animals in the museum
Op de laatste zaterdag van februari is de Sprokkelmarkt. Bezoekers van het boerderijmuseum kunnen dan boerengerechten bij elkaar sprokkelen
In the museum yard, you will be introduced to old crafts and farming customs

Farm life changed radically in the last century. Come see how people in the Veluwe region lived, worked and farmed at the Boerderijmuseum De Bovenstreek.

At Boerderijmuseum De Bovenstreek you find out more about living on a farm in the past. The museum farm includes the living quarters furnished as farms were around 1900 and the farm working area. The living quarters includes a ‘heerd’, the hearth and the original closet-beds.

Traditional costumes of the Veluwe region

The museum exhibits all sorts of useful household and farm items and an exceptionally beautiful and complete collection of traditional costumes of the northern Veluwe region. Many farming items and tools are displayed on the threshing floor and working area of the barn. The garden and the grounds look just as they would have in the past, meticulously preserved in the traditional style of the region.


Come see a complete farmyard with tools, wagon shed, haystacks, livestock like sheep, chickens and goats, and an apiary. The vegetable garden and orchard with older types of fruit are here too. The museum hosts temporary themed exhibitions annually.


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