Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 11:00 until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Tue - Fri 10:00 - 17:00
Sat - Sun 11:00 - 17:00
Overview of opening hours
Hilweg 2
4251 MT Werkendam
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0183 - 50 40 09

Biesbosch MuseumEiland van de buitenkant
Het Biesbosch MuseumEiland in Werkendam is leuk voor jong en oud
In Biesbosch MuseumEiland ontdek je hoe het zoetwatergetijdengebied ontstond na de Sint Elisabethsvloed van 1421.
In de vaste tentoonstelling ontdek je hoe het zoetwatergetijdengebied ontstond na de Sint Elisabethsvloed van 1421
In de Biesbosch kwam vroeger volop zalm voor
Zalm in de Biesbosch
Het Biesbosch Museum ligt op een eiland midden in de Biesbosch.
Het Biesbosch MuseumEiland vanuit de lucht
De Biesbosch in de Tweede Wereldoorlog
De Biesbosch in de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Biesbosch MuseumEiland

The Biesbosch MuseumEiland is located in the heart of the Biesbosch National Park. The permanent collection is housed in seven pavilions, all with a different theme, and shows you how the Biesbosch developed into the national park it is today.

At Biesbosch Museumeiland you experience the challenges and opportunities that water presents us with. Discover how the Biesbosch fresh water tidal zone was formed after a flood in 1421.

Indoor museum

The people, their economic activities, crafts and nature: all this is addressed in the seven themed pavilions.

Outdoor museum

The Biesbosch MuseumEiland is a great starting point for a hike or bike ride. The Pannekoek is the Biesbosch outdoor museum, an osier bed of eight hectares where willows are cultivated and chopped, not cut down. The land is not suited to planting anything but willows because it is located on marshy fringes of rivers. The area can be reached over land and has many footpaths.

Waterspeeltuin De Biesbosch Beleving

The Biesbosch Beleving, a water playground, is located next to the museum. The Biesbosch ensures the surrounding higher-laying areas are not easily flooded. But how do they do this? Experience the Biesbosch beleving or Biesbosch experience, a 30-meter square scale model of the Biesbosch region, including polders, dikes and streams. See the confluence of meltwater from the Rhine and rainwater from the Meuse in the Biesbosch delta. Watch the water level rise. Move the sliders and press the buttons to influence the course of the water! The Biesbosch beleving is in operation from April to October.


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