Valkhof Museum

Into the Black Hole ENG

17 oktober 2023 t/m 19 april 2024


Deze activiteit is afgelopen.

Enter space, release gravity and dive Into the Black Hole. Black holes go way over our heads, both literally and figuratively, and raise questions about our own existence. They form the intersection where science ends and imagination begins.

The discovery of heaven

Into the Black Hole brings together contemporary visual art and science to let you experience the mysteries of the black hole. The night sky has guided sailors, inspired artists, nurtured religions, and excited scientists. We can now see far beyond the stars, and we know that space is teeming with things we cannot see: dark matter. A black hole cannot be observed, not even using the best telescopes, because it swallows everything in its surroundings – planets, stars and even light.

First photo

It was therefore a worldwide sensation when the first image of a black hole was presented in 2019. Professor of Astrophysics Heino Falcke from Radboud University stood at the cradle of this discovery, as a member of the international collaboration Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

The unknown

Into the Black Hole takes you on a journey to a black hole. From the Earth, past the stars and across the cosmos, you will follow different routes towards this phenomenon. How does a black hole come into existence? And what role do black holes play in the universe and in our existence? Some questions can be answered by science, for others we switch off the rational view and start using our imagination. In the exhibition, artists and scientists of different generations and from various cultures will show how knowledge and understanding of black holes may take different forms.

Dive into the black hole

Artworks by Annette S. Lee and Erik Odijk reveal that interpreting the cosmos is of all times and cultures. Inspired by African cosmologies, Black Quantum Futurism takes a new look at black holes, challenging the western scientific view. In the immersive and explosive installation of Marshmallow Laser Feast, you will experience a black hole up close.

Deze activiteit is afgelopen. Je kunt hier niet meer aan deelnemen.

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17 oktober 2023 t/m 19 april 2024

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Valkhof Museum

Keizer Karelplein 33
6511 NH Nijmegen
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024 - 36 08 805

Vandaag open van 11:00 tot 17:00 uur

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