Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Sun 10:00 - 17:00
Mon Closed
Tue - Fri 10:00 - 17:00
Overview of opening hours
Agnietenstraat 2
3512 XB Utrecht
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De buitenkant van het Nijntje Museum in Utrecht
The Miffy museum is in the heart of Utrecht
Bezoekers in een van de themaruimten van het Nijntje Museum
The youngest museum fans can discover the world around them in the museum’s themes rooms
Een kind in de dieren themaruimte van het Nijntje Museum
This museum is perfect for your first museum visit

The Miffy Museum (nijntje museum) is a world in miniature and the best museum for toddlers and preschoolers. Get to know Dick Bruna’s art, try your hand with shapes and color, or build your own work of art.

Toddlers and preschoolers learn about the world around them in the ten themed rooms. These worlds are inspired by Dick Bruna’s picture books.

Let’s get to work!

Does your house look like Miffy’s? Crawl and clamber through the house and discover all the rooms, put the cakes and sandwiches in the right places, take a bath with Barbara Bear or put Miffy to bed. Play with all the animals at the zoo. Teach the parrots to talk, feel the difference between furs and recognize animal sounds. Is this the first time you’ve been to a museum? Find out all about them at ‘the museum’. Get to know Dick Bruna’s art, try your hand with shapes and color, or make your own artwork using building blocks. Take care or your fancy tower might topple over!


Netherlands Museum Pass valid

Would you like to purchase a Netherlands Museum Pass?


  • Museumwinkel
  • Rolstoeltoegankelijk
  • Drinken
More information on the museum website

See and Do in nijntje museum

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