Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 13:00 until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Sun 13:00 - 17:00
Mon - Fri Closed
Overview of opening hours
Baroniestraat 18
5281 JE Boxtel
Plan route Plan route

041 - 16 07 551

Het gebouw van Museum Boxtel
Museum Boxtel can be found on Baroniestraat in Boxtel.

See and experience Boxtel at Museum Boxtel (MUBO). MUBO is a unique museum; it is the only museum that focuses on the history of Boxtel from prehistoric to modern times and exhibits the Canon of Boxtel.

The museum houses the permanent Canon of Boxtel exhibition and five temporary exhibitions throughout the year.


Netherlands Museum Pass valid

Would you like to purchase a Netherlands Museum Pass?


  • Parkeergelegenheid voor auto's
  • Museumwinkel
More information on the museum website

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