Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 10:00 until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Mon Closed
Tue - Sat 10:00 - 17:00
Overview of opening hours
Kortegracht 11
3811 KG Amersfoort
Plan route Plan route

033 - 46 00 170

Het Mondriaanhuis in Amersfoort
Het Mondriaanhuis in Amersfoort
Kinderen schilderen zelf vlakken met rode, blauwe en gele verf
Kunstenaar voor een dag

Immerse yourself in Piet Mondrian’s dynamic life and see the world through his eyes. See his early works, his recreated Parisian studio and the DIY-studio where you can try your hand yourself.

The Mondriaanhuis in Amersfoort is the birthplace of artist Piet Mondrian. Here you can discover how he gradually transitioned from realistic landscapes to abstract compositions made up of characteristic lines and shapes.

Victory Boogie Woogie

Experience Mondrian’s artistic evolution through video installations and follow his search in New York that led him to the creation of his magnum opus, Victory Boogie Woogie. See Mondrian’s early work and a replica of his atelier in Paris.


Netherlands Museum Pass valid

Would you like to purchase a Netherlands Museum Pass?


  • Drinken
  • Museumwinkel
More information on the museum website

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