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Het Miramar Zeemuseum in Vledder
Het Miramar Zeemuseum in Vledder
Mejuffrouw Warners en haar verzameling zeesterren.

The province of Drenthe is the province of forests and moors and of the sea museum, Miramar Zeemuseum. Jeanne Warners’ collection of sea curiosities found a home in Miramar. Here you will find all manner of oddities from the sea, from shells and chitons to starfish and flying fish.

Treasures from the sea

In the spring of 1955, Jeanne Warner found a small, elegant, spiked shell on one of the Balearic Islands. This shell sparked her curiosity, and eventually inspired Jeanne’s life purpose: a sea museum. Miramar has an impressive collection of sea treasures. Shells, starfish, sponges, corals, chitons, flying fish and much more can be found in this museum. Warners’ first shell and the trunks she used to transport her finds are also on display at the museum.

Miramar often hosts temporary exhibitions on subjects related to the sea.


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