Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 12:00 until 16:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Thu - Sun 12:00 - 16:00
Mon Closed
Tue 12:00 - 16:00
Overview of opening hours
Roggelseweg 58
6081 NP Haelen
Plan route Plan route

0475 - 49 70 10

Het Leudal Museum van vooraf met er omheen nette tuinen
The Leudal Museum in Haelen
Vitrinekasten met natuurobjecten erin
Discover how to take good care of nature

The municipality of Leudal in the province of Limburg is a treasure trove of culture, nature and history. See it all in the Leudal Museum. Discover the extraordinary archaeological finds and experience what everyday life was like in Limburg. Learn what it was like to live in Leudal during the Second World War through unique photos, maps and other objects.

The permanent collection is divided into four separate areas of interest: Flora and fauna, archaeology, local heritage and history. The museum has displays of a wide range of objects, photos and documents. The Leudal Museum also puts on various activities in and around the museum. In short, a fun and informative experience for the entire family, with a Limburg touch.


Netherlands Museum Pass not valid


  • Parkeergelegenheid voor auto's
  • Museumwinkel
More information on the museum website

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