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Koorstraat 4A
1811 GP Alkmaar
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072 - 51 40 707

De Grote Kerk in Alkmaar
De Grote Kerk in Alkmaar
Bijzonder orgel dat zich in de kerk bevind
Elke vrijdag zijn er kaasmarktorgelconcerten in de kerk

The Grote Kerk (large church) in Alkmaar is the largest church in North Holland north of the North Sea Channel. The church is also known as the Grote Sint Laurenskerk (Great St. Lawrence church) and is built in the Brabantine Gothic style. Various activities are organized in December and January.

The Grote Sint Laurenskerk, or Grote Kerk, in Alkmaar is an impressive structure dating from the early 16th century. For hundreds of years, this gothic building has served as a meeting place for all inhabitants of Alkmaar. With its vaulted ceiling, striking stained glass windows, antique organs and many artworks, it is no wonder the church has been known as the city’s crowning jewel for centuries. The Grote Kerk saw its 500th anniversary in 2018, celebrated with several events and the return of a masterpiece.


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