Opening hours, address and telephone number

Closed today

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Mon Closed
Tue - Fri 13:00 - 17:00
Sat Closed
Overview of opening hours
Kleine Oever 11
7941 BK Meppel
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0522 - 24 25 65

Het Drukkerijmuseum aan de Kleine Oever in Meppel
The Drukkerijmuseum on Kleine Oever in Meppel
The litho rolls

Lead, ink and pounding presses. At Drukkerijmuseum Meppel, the printing presses are always working. Children can get to work in the children’s printworks.

Try it yourself

Experience printing a page using old, artisan techniques, like printing a text using lead type. Feel like a real printer and watch as the pounding presses print ink onto paper. Make your own paper in a large, old barrel filled with cellulose and lots of water.

###Tours and demonstrations The museum offers tours on all days except Saturdays. Enthusiastic volunteers give detailed explanations and demonstrate how the presses work. For children, the museum offers different activities every day. Children can get to work in the children’s printworks. There’s also a scavenger hunt, with a small reward at the end.


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  • Rolstoeltoegankelijk
  • Drinken
  • Parkeergelegenheid voor auto's
More information on the museum website

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