Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 09:00 until 22:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Mon - Sat 09:00 - 22:00
Overview of opening hours
Westermarkt 20
1016 DK Amsterdam
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020 - 55 67 105

Het Anne Frank Huis aan de Amsterdamse Westermarkt.
Anne Frank House, Prinsengracht, Amsterdam
Een vierluik met foto's van Anne Frank
Photographs of Anne Frank
De boekenkast met daarachter de ingang van het Achterhuis
The bookcase concealing the entrance to the secret annex
De kamer van Anne en Fritz Pfeffer met foto's en knipsels op de wand
Anne’s and Fritz Pfeffer’s room

Note: Visitors to the Anne Frank House must purchase an online ticket for a specific time slot.

During the Second World War, Anne Frank spent over two years hiding in a secret annex at Prinsengracht 263, Amsterdam. A visit to the place where she wrote her diary is an unforgettable experience.

People from all over the world come to Prinsengracht to visit the building where Anne Frank and her family spent two years in hiding during the Second World War. A unique part of this museum is the secret annex where Anne wrote her world-famous diary.

Anne’s story

The rooms are empty except for documents and the belongings of the eight people who hid there. The front part of the house tells the story of Anne Frank based on quotations from her diary, historical documents, photographs, audiovisual footage and original objects. Anne Frank’s original diaries and writings are displayed in another room.


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Note: book in advance

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