MU Hybrid Art House

Beyond Borders & Binaries

16 december 2022 t/m 16 april 2023


Deze activiteit is afgelopen.

Dualistic mindsets that have dominated our society for so long are slowly crumbling and giving way to more polyphony. The artists, among which the three BAD Award 2022 winners, think and imagine beyond existing boundaries and binary oppositions in Beyond Borders and Binaries.

Go beyond borders

While divisions in the world only seem to be getting sharper, those who look closely can see that in fact more complex realities are actually emerging. Dualistic mindsets that have dominated our society for so long are slowly crumbling and giving way to more polyphony. That offers space to think and imagine beyond existing borders and binary oppositions.

Bio Art & Design

Beyond Borders and Binaries consists of the work of the 3 winning teams of the Bio Art & Design (BAD) Award 2022, along with 5 projects of other artists and designers. The works tell tales about softening the boundaries between land and water, the saltiness of the sea and of grieving tears, communicating with senses other than our speech and sleep as a form of eco-activism, multi-species body landscapes, old and new relationships between humans and animals, humans and mud, the earthly and the extraterrestrial.

The artists

Beyond Borders and Binaries shows work by Adriana Knouf, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Kasia Molga, Mary Maggic, Tega Brain & Sam Lavigne., and the 3 BAD Award 2022 winners: Kuang-Yi Ku & Henry de Vries (Amsterdam UMC/GGD), Marlot Meyer & Marcel de Jeu (Erasmus MC), en Nonhuman Nonsense & Marte Stoorvogel (NIOZ).

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16 december 2022 t/m 16 april 2023

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MU Hybrid Art House

Torenallee 40-06
5617 BD Eindhoven
Route plannen Route plannen

040 - 29 61 663

Vandaag open van 12:00 tot 18:00 uur

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zo 13:00 - 17:00 uur
ma - vr 10:00 - 18:00 uur
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