Van Abbemuseum

Relinking: Kabakov Cabinet

1 Juli 2023 bis einschl. 24 März 2024


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The exhibition: Relinking: Kabakov Cabinet gives unique insight into the oeuvre of artist couple Ilya and Emilia Kabakov.

Graphic works

In 2021, the Van Abbemuseum bought 86 of their graphic works. A selection of these will now be put on display for the first time - together with other works by the couple of which some are already in the museum’s collection. This cross section of artworks from different periods and disciplines - ranging from big paintings that invite visitors to step back and view them from a distance to small prints and book illustrations that have to be viewed close up - will engage in dialogue with each other.

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1 Juli 2023 bis einschl. 24 März 2024

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Van Abbemuseum

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5611 ND Eindhoven
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040 - 23 81 000

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