Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 10:00 until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Fri 10:00 - 17:00
Sat (Koningsdag) Closed
Sun - Wed 10:00 - 17:00
Overview of opening hours
Zeestraat 82
2518 AD Den Haag
Plan route Plan route

070 - 33 07 500

De voorgevel van Beeld en Geluid Den Haag
The front of the Beeld en Geluid The Hague building
Kinderen achter een computer in Beeld en Geluid Den Haag
Become media-savvy
Geef je eigen persconferentie!
Have your own press conference
Media Museum
Het bureau van een journalist
The journalists desk

What about the media? It’s all around us! We are all consumers, users, participants, subjects or creators of media, 24/7. These days, understanding the media is just as important as learning to read and write. At the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum, delve into archives, although The Hague doesn’t overload you with objects. You get to work instead!


At Sound and Vision The Hague, learn all about the news. How is the news made and disseminates, and who decides who sees what? After visiting the museum, you’ll understand how the news shapes the way we see the world, and find out about the impact you can have when you share stories.


Discover the permanent exhibition in its practical assignments and collections, including cartoons, a Transorma (the world’s first mechanical sorting machine) and the redacted file of the national child benefits scandal (toeslagenaffaire). Our temporary exhibitions explore current news themes and how the media shapes our perceptions and opinions.


A varied program of lectures, media workshops and musical programs, designed for you to find out more and join in with the discussion.

The program is aimed at a wide-ranging audience: from children to professionals.


Netherlands Museum Pass valid

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